Part 210: 3/19: The Long Farewell
Part 199: 3/19: The Long Farewell
Anon: My heart aches
Anon: are they gone?
Admin: Ill leave this site up.
Anon: lil late to ask that
Anon: My heart aches
Anon: They stole the show!
Music: Sunset Bridge
This ones gonna be on loop for a while, folks.

Go and see your friends before you leave.

Mm. Off you go then.

Try not to cry.
Now, its time for the modern Persona standard send-off of talking to every last one (well, most of them anyway) of our Social Links/Confidants one final time. Its actually not mandatory to talk to everyone, but theres a very good reason to. By the same token, we can actually leave Leblanc without talking to Futaba or Sojiro, but we wont be able to re-enter. Morgana will even warn us not to.

Whats wrong? Come on, we should go say goodbye to the others!
Trying to examine pretty much anything today will give us one of two functionally-identical responses from Morgana telling us that we only have time for important shit today, dammit!

Kana-chan passed her high school entrance exam! She sent me a message this morning! And starting in April, Im gonna be a high schooler too! We did it! It looks like Ill be able to keep my promise about going to school!

!? Even so, its what happens next that really counts
right? Anyway
Im going to do my best in high school. Ill make sure I use everything you taught me. Once I fulfill my promise to go to high school
Ill be coming for that reward. ...Until then, here.

Man, I cant believe youre really going home tomorrow
Im sure itll be lonely, but youll do great!
Sure thing. See ya around, Futaba.

Just remember to pack once you get back, you hear? I dont want you forgetting something important here.
Maybe I should give Sojiro my probation diary

Im surprised you kept a log this whole time.
Yeah, to be honest writing out a diary of mycrimes.txt was maybe not the smartest move! Oh well, it all turned out okay!

...Thanks though. Ill keep it safe. ...Still, a lot has happened. After all, you had quite the side job. Just
behave once youre home, OK? Oh, and here. Take these.

I have them memorized already, so you can have them.
I cant thank you enough, man.

Theres a lot I want to talk to you about
Ill be by the Big Bang Burger in Shibuya. If you dont mind, Id like it if you could come see me.
Nah, well see her last, itll be more sentimental that way. Now, to neglect and ignore my girlfriend for the rest of the afternoon!

Sadly, you wont be able to talk to me like this for much longer. Soon, I shall embark on a journey.

Boss was very happy for me, too. It was very touching, how excited he was for my new adventure.
Maaku, you really gotta give up on sarcasm. No one ever gets it.

I shall roam the nation, visiting restaurants and using my refined palate to write online reviews. Naturally, the restaurants will have some say as my reviews evolve into paid dramatic advertising. Someday, Ill even come back and review this place. Ill do it for cheap too
since I owe Boss.
Okay buddy, you do you. ...Man, what a dipshit.

Theres nothing we can do about it. Things dont just get better that easily.

Why dont we plant a flower? Even we should be able to do that.

I hope it doesnt just dry up and die. It might be better than doing nothing though.
While many of the background NPCs in the game get small dialogue updates to close out the game, some unfortunately do not. Here, we notice that Drunken Souse is not here, meaning we will likely never see him again. How sad.

Spring is a season of meetings and partings. Send us some messages of support for the people who are readying to start a new life!

Ive got my hands full dealing with my own life. Good luck to them, I guess.
Why do you listen to the radio all day, old man? You clearly dont like it.

Me too! I wasnt sure Id get in, but I wanted to prove my parents were wrong too. We really did it! Are they going to give you back all the games and manga they threw out?

Yeah. They were going to pretend like they forgot about it, but then I showed them that contract.

Nice! We really showed those mean grown-ups, didnt we?

Ill be OK! I made a promise with Kotaro. I told him Id try not to cry so he wont worry.

Kotaro taught you a lot of things, didnt he?
Sae has been waiting directly outside Leblanc for us. Wonder how shell curse us this time.

I decided to stop by after work. I used to come by this area on occasion. I was always a fan of Leblancs coffee. ...Its tomorrow, right? The day you go home.

Oh, you didnt think I would? Sorry, but I know about most things. ...Take care. Its an unfortunate truth, but the kinds of adults the Phantom Thieves despised
theyre everywhere. Even when you return home, Im sure youll find plenty there. ...Dont be influenced by terrible adults. Oh, right. Take this.

Former prosecutors are reliable, you know. Call me if anything happens.
All right, Sae. Catch you on the flipside. I am not going to call you.

Youre going home tomorrow, right? Then let me give you an update. Apparently, Miwa-chans symptoms have been subsiding ever since they administered the medicine.

Youre right
I cant control my excitement. Its all thanks to you, my little guinea pig. Thank you for helping me, right up to the very end. Same goes for the situation with Oyamada
You did everything you could to help me with it. Here
take this.

I really wanted you to meet Miwa-chan, but
Well save that for another time.
Bye, Takemi. You still scare me.

After eradicating the darkness with the help of my blessings, the Phantom Thieves are gone
Their actions were magnificent! I shall make them all honorary Sun Gods!

Long live the Sun God! Long live the Phantom Thieves! The future is indeed bright for us all!

Even after their disappearance, the Phantom Thieves seem to have left a lasting impression. The world may be going through a tough time, but I can feel a strong sense of conviction. Todays youth are undoubtedly growing up. And thats all for our on-the-spot coverage.

You havent changed at all, even after going freelance. Ill follow you anywhere!

Though, doesnt it feel like somethings changed? Even if its something small? I owe it all to this song. I give you an encore of
Great Mother, Great! Dangers passed, gods forgotten/Thats the way of the world/And the way of its people, but/Remember, I still have this guitar/Dont forget, I still have this song/Isnt that right, mother?/Keep runnin, G.M.G./Whether day or night/ Keep runnin, G.M.G./G.M.G./Great Mother, Great/G.M.G./ Thank you, thank you very much! My songdid it reach your heart?
Lets throw him a bone.

I know! Hope you come hear me play again! Those videos of me singing got a ton of views
It actually managed to catch the attention of a record company, and now Im releasing my own CD. Thanks to everyones support, its now on sale! Thank you all! I rock!

No one wants to grow old, but I dont think its a bad thing. Its up to young people to take action and change the world, right? I think Im able to sit back and just enjoy watching that now.

I could never think that way. I want to be the kind of girl that never settles down, you know?
Its too late for that! You just said you had a daughter!
Ah, Tora
good to see ya, pal.
Okay, seriously, how does everyone know about this? From the way theyre phrasing it, Im clearly not the one telling them.

I recall the days
when you helped me out with my speeches here.

Having met a young person like you was the fortune of a lifetime. I suppose someone more in tune with modern parlance would say I lucked out, hm? You were there to witness a number of my most disappointing moments. Id like you to have this as a token of my appreciation.

Its an incredibly expensive fountain pen I bought back when I had strayed from the right path. Embarrassingly enough, all I did was break the seal. I hardly used it.
I wish you the greatest possible success, Tora.

It is so fragile, both inside and out. It could crumble from the slightest tremor.

Youre right
but there are some who display a fighting spirit, like the Phantom Thieves

I hope the lessons of this year remain within the hearts of the young for the rest of their lives.

There was all this commotion near the end of the year, but nothings really changed for the better.

Did something happen? Well, the world wont be changed so easily. That kind of work is a job for young people
I get that he wouldnt be working during the day, but not getting to see Foreign Barker one last time is a real bummer.
Hm? Lavenza? Didnt the Velvet Room disappear?

I have some words of reflection for you in this time of parting. If one wishes to belong, they must be willing to sacrifice their own needs and desires at times. Furthermore, one may even have to cast away their very selves for the sake of those who accompany them
In truth, I would never have come to learn these things if not for you.
This is all vague hokey nonsense that just kind of sounds relevant but when you think about it doesnt really add up to much relating to this games themes.

I pray you do not lose sight of yourself in the future.

Yes, I should have expected that answer from you. ...I have more than mere words to give you today though. Allow me to grant you a parting gift, not as the one who leads you, but simply as Lavenza. It is an item that will commemorate the man who fought for his beliefs, even though it nearly killed him.

This is the key to the cell that held you captive for so long. In the past, guests of the Velvet Room have received their keys upon their very first visits. However, I was unable to pass it on to you at that point. This is the least I can do for you now
With this key in hand, you will be able to break free of whatever trials may imprison you in the future. ...Though of course, you have already chosen the path of true freedom.
Yep, got the True Freedom Ending, time to go to space!

My only advice to you would be that you remember the others who made that path possible for you.
Man, you sure talk a lot, Lavenza. Anyway, ciao.
Note that we cannot enter the Velvet Room. Hell, there isnt even a prompt to examine the door.

I hear youre headin home tomorrw. Perfect. I got a story for ya. Kaoru got accepted to high school. Hell be a Shujin Academy student in the spring.

...Apparently he wants to become like you. Aint that dumb? You wont even be at that school anymore. Well, being a bro means someone will be followin your footsteps. Hit me up the next time you visit. We can all go out to eat again. ...Oh yeah, here. Its an Iwai-family gecko. Take good care of it, OK?

Damn, kids grow up quick. He used to be a baby, and now hes in high school
...I was able to have a heart-to-heart with him thanks to you. If everyone in the world upheld the code of honor like you do, we wouldnt need guns
So long, Iwai. If you ever run into an old cohort with an eyepatch and a big knife from your time in the yakuza, tell him I like his voice.

...Im sorry. Everything I know about talking to women comes from magazines and the internet
I accept my shame, and Im begging you! Please teach me the secrets of picking up girls!
Veteran Pick-up Artist has had his name changed to Veteran Pick-up Artist? which is pretty great. ...Wait, why are these idiots here and not Foreign Barker!?

Success will come, but only after you fail again and again
But I learned that from you!
Its pretty realistic to actual pick-up artistry though that their ultimate wisdom to attract women unfailingly is both total bullshit created for the purpose of making them seem cooler and also just that there is no actual way to attract women unfailingly and you will fail many, many times, so dont worry when your success rate with PUA bullshit isnt actually any higher than your success rate without.

We may need to move in with my parents. Temporarily, of course.

Well, if you ever need me to bring you something from the city, please dont hesitate to ask. Im sure youll miss the city dearly. Ohoho

...Being in this place is reminiscent of our time in Mementos, is it not?
No, not really. But thanks for bringing up Mementos, because now I get to have that goddamn music stuck in my head all day.

Honestly, I cannot help but imagine the people here as Shadows, wandering aimlessly around that distorted place.

I plan on it
To tell you the truth, it has been difficult to still my brush of late. Do you remember the painting I submitted to that competition? Desire and Hope, it was. Well, I would like to bestow it upon you as a parting gift.
Uh, what? Sorry Yusuke, I dont think you get it. Youre supposed to give me some worthless doodad or bauble I can throw in my bag and never think about again, thats what everyone else is doing (except Tora, I can probably hock that fountain pen for a decent sum). You
cant give me that painting. And Im not saying that because of its immense sentimental value or whatever. Im saying that because I remember the last time I saw it:
physically cannot carry this thing. Its fucking massive. What the hell am I supposed to do with this? Am I not presumably going home on a train?

Please accept it. I would never have completed it without you, Maaku
No! Take it back!

You know
I am hoping to use the freedom of the heart as my next theme. I would like to paint the bright future of those who have been freed from the prison that was Mementos. ...I assure you, it will be a masterpiece.
Im not really known much as a smiler, but sure. Stay weird, Yusuke.
Damn, no resolution with Rural Young Man and Adorable Woman.
But Homeless Man is here!

Its really nice that I actually have someone to say farewell to me
Thank you. It means a lot. Considering how foolish of a man I am, Im not sure if I can atone for my sins
But Ill live the rest of my life thinking of how I can do that
Farewell, young man. I hope that someday Ill see you again
if I can manage to become a decent man.

Did you come here for souvenirs? This place has everything.
Nah, my bags already full of tacky memorabilia.

I guess
tomorrows the day, huh? Take care of yourself, Maaku.

Oh, I already have that covered! Ive made a detailed plan on how many sweets Im gonna have, when. By the way, um
a little girl stopped me the other day in Shibuya. She said she saw me in magazines
and that she wants to be just like me when she grows up. It felt incredible. That reminds me, this is for you
Its a copy of next months Vague. They did special feature on me.

I actually talked a little bit about you in the interview, Maaku
and Shiho too.
Oh man, Shihos been mentioned like three times in the last five hours! What an integral character!

I wonder if shell get around to reading it
There are times when being a model is tough, but I want to keep at it. I need to be strong, not just for Shiho, but for people everywhere. By the way, um
Bye, Ann. Hope you get creeped on less in the future, but Im not holding my breath.
Next we go to the arcade to meet up with Ryuji. I forgot he even hangs out here and had to go back for him!

Man, spring breaks supposed to be the most fun part of the year, but instead youre just movin away
Youll be free after though, yeah? Im gonna stop by your hometown so you can show me around n shit.

Whaddya mean? Youre there. By the way, uh
you been thinkin at all about what you wanna do after youre done with school? I dont got any ideas
but I think Im gonna keep runnin. Im not plannin on goin back to the track team though. Ill keep it up all by myself. I guess in the end, lifes kinda like a big curvin track. You might not know where its takin you, but the only choice you got is to keep runnin forward.

...Oh crap, did I actually sound cool for once!? A-Anyways

You better not forget to keep runnin, Maaku! Ill race you! For real though, dude
schools gonna be a bummer without you.
So long, Ryuji. Its been great, really.
Makotos hanging out back in the train station at Aoyama-Itchome.

I was just getting some of my college enrollment papers ready. ...I know well be at different schools next year, but I want us both to keep working hard.
Ill be rooting for you, but also ACAB. You understand.

Thanks. You know
I used to be a coward. Thats why I was so reliant on the advice of the adults around me. I was too afraid to look at things head on, to make decisions on my own
but you set me straight. The reason I now think of living life like I want to is because you showed me the world. Now more than ever, I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of the person Ive become. Oh, this is for you.

Its what first got me interested in studying. You could even say it made me who I am today.
This calculator with a mascot on it has defined your entire life? Thats really sad!

Well, I suppose thats a bit of an exaggeration
but honestly, its more useful than it appears. It should help you keep up with your studies
Makoto, a mascot calculator probably wont be able to do anything I cant already do on my phone. I appreciate the gesture, but lets be real.

...Take care of yourself.
Right back at you. Bye, Makoto.
Kawakamis hanging here outside Shujin, which is closed. That really sucks, because it means we cant go see Gaudy Female Student, Starry-eyed Student, or our favorite, Newspaper Club Member. What a shame.
Anyway, lets see what Kawakami has to say to us. Her Confidant was
something, but shes been there for us. Besides, I doubt even this game would spoil our goodbye by making it weirdly sexual like most of our other interactions.

What a coincidence. Im about to give a lecture. Did you
come to see the campus? Youre going back home tomorrow, right
? Make sure you keep up your studies there, OK?

Of course. And let me know if theres anything you need. Oh yeah, here
Oh come on!!!!

Its a present
a memento of my career as a maid. I never couldve survived everything I went through if you werent there for me. I think I wouldve retired in shame, never being able to face myself
or my students. ...To be honest, I wanted to attend your graduation.
Goodbye, Kawakami.
Im sorry I acted so disgusted when you did all that bizarre sexual shit, I was just repressing my feelings of intense, passionate lust and carnal desire. However, I can no longer stem the tide of my relentless ardor! Join me, my beloved! Let us run away together and consummate our forbidden love! I mean, uh, hope you enjoy your break!

Guess its about time I pull out of here. I wonder where Ill go next
Catch you on the flipside, you fuckin scumbag.

As part of our spring New Life promotion, well throw in some professional home movers! We live in some dark times, but a society where everyone can live in safety is our ultimate goal. Thats why, at Wanna-B-Alert, were doing everything we can to protect your bright future!
Oh, the hate crimes arent here.
Thats fine.

I dont agree. At the very least, Shido will face judgment for what hes done. Now the thing that troubles me is that Ive been asked to be part of Shidos legal team.

Its your turn to be on the spot, and be asked what true justice is. I know its a cliché, but good luck.
I was gonna say here that I didnt understand why the lawyer was so conflicted here, because theres no way Shido wouldnt just plead guilty, but then I looked it up and as far as I can tell thats not actually a thing in Japan. They didnt introduce plea bargaining until a 2016 constitutional amendment, and it wasnt until 2018 that it was actually taken advantage of. Weird.

Its exactly as the cards said
You came to visit me. ...In your current state, you should be fine.
Thats kind of invasive!

Yes, I was worried about you, so
Ive been receiving encouragement from my clients lately. Its rather strange since I should be encouraging them
but I can feel myself improving. This card reveals your fate. Please keep it as a good luck charm.

The location of fate is showing that happiness is on its way. So please live your life the way you want to.
Farewell, Chihaya. You fleeced me for like a thousand bucks when we first met, and I still arbitrarily dont believe in fortune-telling, but you seem nice enough. Take care.
Will anyone even be at Crossroads at this hour?
So, the door was inexplicably open, fine. Lalas here, no big deal. Why on earth would
Ohya be hanging out here? Even if youre a day-drinker, this place isnt serving any drinks yet. Unless you convinced Lala to give you some hooch early so youre just sitting in this empty bar in the middle of the day getting wasted. You have a problem, girl.
Were going to say goodbye to the most important character in the game, of course.

Youre looking pretty handsome there, young man. Come back to this bar once you become an adult. Ill have some delightful beer ready for you.
So long, Lala. I have no pithy goodbye mockery to hit you with. You rule.
Oh, and we should probably talk to Ohya too while were here.
But, do we have ESP? No, thats Chihaya. Maybe.

Im surprised you knew where I was
Are you here to say goodbye?
always here. It completely defies logic that youd be here
right now, but 95% of our interactions have been in this bar. Ive seen you maybe four times anywhere else, including brief incidental dialogue on the street before we even formally met and the one Confidant event that took place
in front of this bar.
I love that we can ask if shes busy, because shes either just getting totally hammered at 2 PM, or shes doing absolutely nothing and is here for no reason.

...Thats my line. So
Im close to being able to report on Kayos case. Ever since all that stuff happened with Shido, the stories havent stopped rolling in. ...But it looks like I can finally avenge her. And its all thanks to your hard work. Here. Its a record of all the struggles we shared.

...Take care of yourself over there. Ill call you, so you can keep me updated on things.
Please dont call me asking you to pay your bar tab. Fool me once
...For real though, thanks. Its been a pleasure, Ohya.
Oh, I will. Take care.

Haha, sorry bout that. I dont mean to upset you or anything.

H-Hey, is it true!? I heard that youre gonna quit being a maid!

I dont hate being a maid, but this isnt something Im excited about doing, you know? Youre the ones who taught me that we should all do what we really want. Thanks, you guys.
I didnt really do anything at all here, but youre welcome.
Hows it going, Mishima?

So youre finally heading home tomorrow, huh? I guess this means the Phantom Thieves have disbanded
My documentary script is going well though. Its not really close to done, but its coming along.

Yeah, I got this! Ill make something worthy of the #Millennials name! You know
I never thought Id be able to make something as impactful as this documentary will be.
Poor Mishimas gonna try to be the next Errol Morris and instead hes gonna faceplant straight into being the next Dinesh DSounope, sorry, I cant, thats way too mean, he doesnt actually deserve that

I used to be such a coward
but I see now that theres a message here only I can convey. Knowing that, I cant help but give this my absolute all. Um, here.

This is still just a rough outline, but I want you to read it. Oh, and Id like your opinion too! Ill give you some of the royalties if it sells well.
Sorry, Mishima. Thats the one thing I absolutely cant promise. I wish you luck.

But theres so much to see on the internet. All those cat videos

Thats not what I mean. Like
Just what were the Phantom Thieves, anyway?

We still dont know who they really were
Oh! Maybe they were just massive trolls!
Exposing the rot of society and making the world a better place to own the libs

...Celebrolution. ...*mumble mumble*
I cannot express just how happy I am that this chucklefuck ends the game totally ruined.

Youre moving tomorrow, right? Does that mean we wont be able to play together anymore

Thank god
Make sure you contact me when you do. Oh, yeah
I returned the money. I apologized again, and they forgave me. I wonder if
were officially friends now? Hamiru-san, thanks for helping me with that. Ill give you my secret weapon.
Did you like, cut the wire and steal this from the arcade machine?

I used that to practice at home.
That just raises further questions!

...Since then, my moms been nice and there havent been any more wars at school. We havent fully made up yet, but Im working on it little by little. You made me realize something
To be cool, you have to live life in your own way.
Bye, Shinya. Truly, we all were the ones who
Got Smoked.
...That doesnt really work, does it?
Ah, crap. I like you Hifumi, but you gotta get rid of that lame sweater. Its really unflattering.

...You came to visit. Youre going home tomorrow, correct? To tell you the truth
I have an important shogi tournament tomorrow as well.

Thank you very much. If I do well, that will make it ten straight wins
Ill work hard so I can give you a good report. Oh yes, here
I want you to have this.
What? ...Oh, yes. I know what that is, totally. Ive been playing shoji all these months, of course!

The lance is a piece that excels at advancing forward. It cannot retreat until it gets promoted
...I learned much more than just new moves on the shogi board from you.
Goodbye Hifumi. May your blazing chuuni spirit never be snuffed out.
Well, weve kept our darling girlfriend waiting long enough.
Yeah, I know you texted me right when we left Leblanc, but I spent probably a few hours at least running around and taking trains all across the city before seeing you because I wanted it to be ~special.~
Maaku is the worlds worst boyfriend, you guys.

You know, Ive asked for your help so many times to this point
But thanks to you, the new coffee shop venture is progressing toward opening its first location.

Thank you. Furthermore, Im going to be involved in its growth while I attend university
It will be difficult to handle both at the same time, but it will be the perfect chance to learn the ropes. That way Ill be able to make sure everything goes smoothly when I finally open my own cafe. And, um
I want you to be with me when that happens.
Youre seriously too good for me.

By the way, I tried making something for you.

Id like to sell handcrafted goods at my cafe as well
so this is the first step in my practice. Sorry if the dye comes out when you use it.
Ill treasure it always.

Oh, maybe I should try making hats next! How do matching ones sound?
Goodbye, Haru. Knock em dead. Er, wait, knowing you I should probably specify that I meant that as a metaphor. Eh, actually, do whatever, I wont prevent you from chasing your bliss.
Now, weve said farewell to all our friends
or have we? I think I see two more friends coming up to greet us!
Why hello, Maaku!
Yes, salutations, it is I, your attempted murderer.
And also me, that dude what attempted to erase reality or something, its not really clear.
As you have formed unbreakable bonds with the two of us, we are here to see you off.
Youd think being dead would stop us, but no!
Maybe more the part where we tried to kill you repeatedly, but whatever.
Anyway, cant stay long, just came here to give you this!
Igor gives Maaku Latex Igor Suit.
I bought that at
actually, it doesnt matter. Its what I used to deceive you for a year! Well, take care!
I don't... huh? Uh
Looking at this Igor costume confuses and upsets you
the dead eyes haunt you long after you look away
also, it smells like cat litter.
Im afraid I have to depart as well
Heres my gift to you.
Akechi gives Maaku A Real-Ass Gun!
what the fuck am I supposed to do with this, man
Thats the gun I tried to kill you with
Ahh, memories. Well, back to Hell for me! See you there!
...Sure, goodbye.
Cant wait for that inevitable redemption arc in the rerelease. Its gonna be
Despite him asking you twice, Morgana is not actually coyly trying to remind you that he has not said goodbye yet.
Instead, we have to double confirm that were absolutely done, and then hell do it. I dont really understand why hes doing this in the first place though, hes unfortunately coming with us.

For some reason, this scarf was the one thing that remained when I got thrown out of the Metaverse.
For some reason, always a great thing to be reading in a story!

Its always been a special possession of mine
But I want you to have it, as proof of everything weve been through together.
Yeah, we sure went through a ton of shit this past year, huh
a lot of it thanks to you.
I feel I should mention that I spent like twenty minutes here on a dumb gag where I was listing all the gifts we got today by weight to determine just how much bullshit we were carrying around at the end here, but I got like halfway through before realizing everything Id listed had come in at under half a pound, most of them well under. Really, the only items that would be even remotely hefty would be Shinyas Gun Controller, Mishimas Documentary Plans (assuming he was using a standard notebook), and Yusukes fucking painting, which through very rough estimates seems like it probably weighs about seven-and-a-half pounds at absolute maximum. Well, that ruins that.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)
Finally, Sunset Bridge ends!


Youre leaving early tomorrow from Shibuya, right? Make sure you pack up before you head to sleep.
What the hell kind of answer is that!? Do you want to stay? Well fuck you, you cant!

Oh, and take that stupid cat with you. I dont want it getting lost and ending up back here.
But Id really prefer it
not follow me around for the rest of my life. You understand the dilemma here, right?

It really never stops meowing, huh

What kind of translation is that!? Let me have a nice goodbye!
Yeah, sure thing.

Even if youre not here, Ill make sure I do my best
You too. Its
its been really great.